Nothing like a good quote from Dr. Seuss to kick things off around here! Seriously, few things make me happier than a good book by dear Theodor Seuss Geisel. Alright, let's try to get to the real point of this first post. The big M-O-V-E!

Yep, took place yesterday. Everything went better than planned, minus the trip to the vet. The Uhaul truck was able to exceed 70 mph, it did not smell like a high school boy's gym shoes, and the air conditioning system was actually too cold at times. Did I mention I didn't actually have to drive the Uhaul, and yet it still was my biggest concern?? The world's greatest mother (seriously) drove the beast over 220 miles. Yes, I know, I'm one very lucky girl. Anyway, the truck was strategically packed by two very wonderful, amazing, spectacular men, thank you guys, and then Mom and I hit the road the next morning.
Only an hour and a half late with our start time, not too bad for us. I had CharBar and Lou in my car and mom had her iPod and the beast, aka the Uhaul.

We arrived at our destination much earlier than planned and got right to business unloading some of the delicate items...the precious electronics. Humidity + Heat = 2 Sweaty ladies! Excluding the one hour break we took running Charlie to the vet, every box was stuffed into my humble abode by 5 pm! No worries, Charlie will be fine in a few days after his meds start kicking in. (Nice timing Charlie) Exhausted and content with everything we had accomplished for the day, Mom and I drove around looking for food after dropping off the truck. We settled for Cracker Barrel, mostly because it wasn't fast food and was conveniently located on our way home. The kibble refueled us enough to grab some waffles at HEB and head home to shower and flop in bed. To end a perfect day, we fell asleep watching You've Got Mail. One of my favorite movies of all time! So on that note, I'll close with a You've Got Mail quote, followed by a precious picture of pathetic Charlie at the vet. Can't think of a better way to close the first post!
Joe Fox: Mr. 152 Felony Indictments.
Kathleen Kelly: Mr. 152 insights into my soul.
Joe Fox: Oh yeah. No competing with that.

...a wink and a smile...
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