Oh I do love seagulls. I love seeing the seagulls flutter around Target and along my drive to school in the morning! The little squacks bring a smile to my face.
So today, uhhh... slept in a little too late for my liking but that's ok. After getting ready, mom and I were off to the bookstore. Mom checked out the clearance tshirts as I loaded stacks and stacks of books on the counter. Ick! Way too many books for two months but hey, it's all good! I do love learning! Maybe I'll post a picture of all of my books later, but I don't have one right this minute.

However, I do have a picture of my big lunch/dinner at my favorite...IHOP!! Yummy in my tummy!! I'm sure the picture is makind you drool! No? Maybe it's because I've already stolen a few bites of the eggs and pancakes? Ehh. You're missing out. After the beloved IHOP meal, mom and I definitely needed something to help the pancakes and eggies work their way down. The pups were quick to give us ideas. Charlie Barnum suggested a walk along the water. Who can turn that down? Not but 10 minutes later, the dogs had their leashes on, I had my camera, and mom had her visor. We were ready to roll! Oh was it just lovely outside. I truly am I girl that needs to be by the ocean. I'm not scared of the wicked high humidity! Bring it on! In fact, I've only used the Chi once since I've been here. Scandalous I know, but I just let the wild woman hair go! Ok, enough about my hair, back to the walk. The dogs happily sniffed every blade of grass and mom and I chatted as the sun began to set. Come on....does it get any better than that?? No, no it doesn't. Oh my goodness, I almost forgot to tell you guys about Charlie's new love.

Yep, that's right Charlie has found a new passion. Skateboarding. Maybe he get's it from his mother? I've always wanted to learn just the basics of skateboarding or longboarding. Anyway, he loved watching the skateboarders do their little tricks. I, on the other hand, sat their annoyed that there wasn't a single boy with a helmet on in the skate park. Not one helmet! Ugh! Sorry, but I had to vent on that one. I guess this is a good time to mention that I did have a relaxing evening with mom, Char, and Lou. I snacked, of course, then watched a pretty bad movie, but my super amazing cup of tea and the good company completely made up for the movie! Ha! Enjoy the last picture of Charlie with his fluffies just swaying in the salty breeze!

...a wink and a smile...
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