About time for an update, why not Memorial Day weekend! It was a phenomenal weekend at the lake. Mom had a good weekend relaxing to the absolute max, if you currently know what's going on then you'll know what I mean. Dad actually had part of a weekend to take a break from his insane schedule. Me, well I took a break from school and enjoyed the grass between my toes, the amazing rain showers, and fishing! Look at this view...

Just gorgeous! It really was a lovely weekend, and I can't wait to get back up there! Next time we may be packing it up. Now that will be interesting, and quite a task. Oh dear. We'd need a garage sale on steroids for that house. Oh and welcome to hurricane season friends! Can't mention the lake without thinking about hurricane season. Hunker down!!! Ha! I'm so sorry but if you were here in Houston during the last hurricane season then you should be laughing with me right now. That's pretty much the only advice they had for us, HUNKER DOWN! If I told you who used that phrase over and over and over again, I might get lost on a different topic, so I'll refrain.
Next up, fishing. How I have loved this pastime/sport. Actually, it may have been before then. I was such a little boy growing up. With a name like Shane I guess it was inevitable. I loved playing in the dirt, collecting little frogs in the ditch behind the baseball fields, I cried when they told me I couldn't play baseball with the boys, I loved summer trips to Alabama and roughing it outside with my two cousins (both boys), and of course, fishing. Fishing will always have great memories attached to it. I fished with Pop and can remember begging him go out with me. We'd sit out on the bridge or anywhere, and the world as I knew it was absolutely perfect. Also, fishing trips with Gimmie pretty much every weekend we could make a run down to Galveston. That was probably the only time I didn't mind waking up early. [Not to brag or anything, (knock on wood) but I've never been seasick in my life. Gim was pretty good about that as well but one time I can remember it was me and three other people at the front of the boat, hanging on as the boat would rise up and then crash back down, while everyone else was inside laying on the floor and in the bathroom. And let's just say, they weren't enjoying themselves.] Anyway, fishing contests, trips, lakes, whatever it was all fun!! This was me in my happy place over the holiday weekend.

Oh it wasn't just me fishing! There might have been an audience as well... notice the little guy too, it's like Where's Waldo.

A lovely weekend and a perfect way to welcome summer 2010! Next post, food! I've tried a TON of new recipes but keep forgetting to take pictures and type up some updates. Hopefully I'll get better!
...a wink and a smile...
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