Oops, this was an old post that apparently saved to my drafts and was never posted. I have no excuse, I'll just plead stupidity and distraction on this one. Ha! So enjoy!!
Just me and the kitchen. No worries or stress, just tasty treats of all kinds! I started off the day with plans to attack a some recipes I have been wanting to try for weeks. But before I could begin, I had some juicing to do! Thanks to Ryan and Kellie (Wiggles was with us too), I was able to sneak a peak inside of Costco. I have serious

issues with discount warehouse retailers. I can't walk in one and be practical. It's like having a huge coupon. I convince myself it's such a bargain that I MUST buy it at once. Needless to say, I walked out with enough oranges to refuel and entire little league!

Here's just a portion of them getting all ready to be juiced...yum!! Once the juicing began, I proceeded to empty the refrigerator of anything that had even the tiny bit of juice. Red bell peppers, oh you'd be surprised. They're tasty little beasts! They taste rather scrumptious mixed with fresh apple juice, frozen into cubes, and blended in one of my favorite spinach smoothies!! Oh..my..yum!! But I can't fool you, juicing was not a very clean kitchen

adventure. Let's just say, the kitchen ended up like an IHOP...STICKY EVERYWHERE!!! Totally worth it though. Another thing I learned, my juice has some serious spitting issues, and this is how I solved that problem. Rather ingenious, if I do say so myself. Kitchen towel bib.

Sexy, yeah?? Oh wait, you need a better close up of the sludge that ended up on my bib. There you go, and I didn't think of this fantastic idea until I had finished the oranges and was juicing the apples and peppers. I'll know better next time!! After juicing it was time to make some bread! Oh yes, I love carbohydrates! Why deprive yourself of such delicious treats? Just make it healthier! So I decided I wanted to make some Honey Whole Wheat bread which was absolutely divine.

It was was actually used to make french toast the next morning! We had a lovely guest over. :) Wink Wink! I decided I was going to put my beloved KitchenAid to the challenge. Could he (yes, my KitchenAid mixer is a he, he's big and manly) take on the task of bread dough even though he's injured?? Yep, poor guy can't lift his bowl up, so I use magazine stuffed under the bowl to keep it propped up. Seems to be working!!

Must make a trip up to Fort Worth to get the bugger fixed. To make a long story short, here's the product and boy was it yummy! All whole wheat flour, no sugar, great taste!! That recipe will definitely go into the SAVE file! The camera angle doesn't do it justice, but let me tell you it was divine! That's about it so far, will be back soon for more updates!!
...a wink and a smile...
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