I probably shouldn't say my life revolves around my daily kibble intake, but in a way it really does. I get great joy out of eating, I look forward to dessert, and I have an odd ball palate. It's true. Oh, and I might be the biggest snacker you've ever met. ...Eat, Eat all day long..Eat Eat Eat while I sing this song!... (It is fun to sing the song while making your snack, go ahead, give it a try. Take a break from reading this post, sing the song, and make yourself a little snackie. Alright, my week was filled with a dumb test, and yes it was just plain dumb. You know something's not right when your professor says to your class, "I know the test doesn't judge how well you know the material." Did I miss something in school along the way, but I'm pretty sure that's the point of a test. So, yea, already counting down the days until August and my little break! Woohoo!! The point of that little rant was to just let you know that I was basically in school, or at home readying and studying. FYI: Next week is packed with three tests and a two projects, so the next post will not be any earlier than next Friday.

Since I didn't have many opportunities to whip out my camera in class and you've already seen my study space, I figured you could check out some of my favorite meals, snacks, and beverages. These little babies have kept me rip roaring and ready to take on the next adventure....ehh ok maybe just next chapter. First let me introduce you to a very delicious and tasty treat that I discovered as a result of my craziness for coupons. These tasty treats aren't super good for you, but they kind of taste like churros without the feeling of grease all over your lips. And none of the guilt! My warning to you though, be careful because it's so easy to eat the entire bag and not even realize it! Oops! Next up, the beloved spinach smoothies.

Yes, spinach in my smoothies. We all know spinach is stellar for us, but sometimes you're just burned out with little veggie. That lead me to throwing some in my smoothie! Try it, you'll like it. You can add as much or as little as you'd like. If you really don't like spinach just add one handful and you won't even taste it! Give it a whirl! Smoothies are so filling to me so I added a salad with bits of turkey to balance out my meal. Next up on the list, my school day snackies. Let me just say, this is not what I bring every day. Most days I'm luck to grab my Fruit-a-Bu, Kashi bar, and my water. However, my Mondays are just straight through 8 to 5 so I need to be better about snacks and lunch. Here's what I had this week! Don't you love those FitFresh containers. I've fallen in love with them.

What you can't see is the cool lid that goes on top of my veggies/cheese/and applesauce. It's a lid with a little frozen ring that clips in to keep my kibble nice and chilled until I get around to it. GENIUS!! Oh, and I can't say enough about almond butter and this new organic strawberry jam. Holy cheese!! It's definitely like a party in my mouth!! I highly recommend you add almond butter to your grocery list. It will change your life. Warning, almond butter is more expensive than peanut butter, but it's one of those things that's well worth it. I'm not a fan of spending money. Oh geez I hate clothes shopping, ask my mother. But when it comes to food, I really think it's important to not skimp on everything. Haha, I know where to shop for things. I know what store to find the cheapest almond butter, greek yogurt, bulk oats, etc.

I'm a bit nerdy in that department. I probably should have seriously considered culinary school, because all aspects of food are intriguing to me! I'm still working on my pitch to Food Network! Enough blabbering, next up is lunch. Hello gorgeous! Listen to this combo: Ezekiel english muffin, fresh slice of cheddar cheese, half of an avocado, and my favorite Morningstar veggie burger! Woowee!! It was DEVINE! Ok and the last two aren't as exciting, but I did want to show off the most amazing cups ever. I love, love, LOVE cups that don't sweat. This cup is big, doesn't sweat, and comes in many beautiful and tropical colors. Does it get any better than that? Nope.

Last, but surely not least, my end of the week meal. When I just have to follow what my palate is craving and not stop to think about the crazy combination that may appear in front of you. That's all I'll say about this meal.

It was dinner, and there was spinach in the smoothie. PS Don't you just love lima beans? What a great little bean. Well, friends, I need to go figure out my plan of attack for this fun filled weekend of studying and hopefully get a good run in. Haven't had one all week! ICK! Before I part, I will provide you with some fabulous fun filled, food filled movie quotes!
“We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.” Elf! ( I'm pretty sure I'm part elf.)
“You stay away from that turkey! It’s got an hour to cook…you’ll get worms!” A Christmas Story
“Yogurt! Yogurt! I hate Yogurt! Even with strawberries” Spaceballs
Dr. Egon Spengler: Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning's reading, it would be a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.
Winston Zeddemore: That's a big Twinkie.
...a wink and a smile...
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