Oh my goodness, so much has happened since we've last chatted. Where oh where do I begin?? I enjoyed my mini vacation even though it may have started out a bit rough. It definitely had some perks at the end! What else, how about school. This semester I'm taking pharmacology, pediatrics, and med/surg (let's just think of this as adults). I have already finished up my peds rotation, whoa that was fast. In two weeks, I start med/surg and that one won't be half as fun. Ha! I'm still planning on sporting my orange, teddy bear watch. If anything it will brighten up my day. So, now I will walk around a hospital where sea creatures and brightly colored murals aren't covering every inch of wall space. There's no fun in that. It will be an adventure though! I am excited, but I will miss the little kiddos!
Oh! I went to the aquarium here in CC! It was way better than expected! Had a blast and sat in the dolphin show wondering why I never followed my dream to be a dolphin trainer. Hmm?? Wet suit or scrubs. Both pretty comfortable but I do get cold easily so perhaps staying dry is best for me. I went ahead and posted two of my favorite pictures from my iphone during my aquarium adventure! Is that turtle not the cutest little thing you've ever seen?? There's also the beautiful dolphin. What a magnificent creature. This little guy was playing with his toys in the water. They get a bit of play time in their tank before show time. He was having a blast!
Well dear friends, I should be studying. I'm currently leaning over my pharm book to type this update when I should be reviewing for my upcoming test! Oops!
PS...Get excited! I have an important introduction to make in the near future. I'll let your heads think on that one for a while...
...a wink and a smile...